Best School in Noida Extension, Greater Noida, Noida, Ghaziabad | Top Schools in Noida

Before you read the complete list of Best schools in Noida, it is important that parents realize that there is no binary in school education system. A school cannot be simply classified as good or bad just because a survey comes up with particular perception of the school. A lot depends upon the kid's upbringing prior to schooling and a lot depends upon the kid himself/herself. At the same time, before searching for Best school in Greater noida, clarity of thoughts is essential. Answers to these questions are a must have: Do you feel the child is confident and smart enough and only needs a right academic direction? Do you feel in Best kindergarten school all that the child needs is to grow in confidence? Do you feel child needs to find a career in sports or other extra co-curricular opportunities? Do you feel you can put the extra hard work by taking your kid to coaching/training in sports/music etc. during non-school hours? Or Do you feel the child needs to have a strong like minded company? If you have answers to all these questions, this Survey could help you since we divide a particular School's rating based on individual parameters and then we come up with overall ratings based on a well researched weight age given to these parameters.
This year, along with School Brainer, we researched around 50 schools in Noida. Ratings for few of these schools are primarily based on lineage, prospective parent's feedback, planned/current infrastructure and submitted survey form Top school in noida extension, if applicable.

This year, we have re-adjusted our calculation of overall ratings for Top cbse school in noida. We have taken 20% of Academics, 20% of Safety/Security and 20% of Individual attention to child as key parameters for overall ratings.
While most of the schools are in growing phase (both infrastructure and experience wise), we tried to come up with a general perception of the schools based on parent's reviews, faculty, results and existing infrastructure.
The best schools in Noida and Greater Noida are on the upswing of popularity only on the strength of deriving positivity from the child through nice sports infrastructure. We are located in Noida and in our school; every morning starts with the sports under the able surveillance of sports coaches. The thrill, the expressions and pink cheeks of our children squealing with joy of winning a race or goal or scoring a point brings charged atmosphere of happiness and positivity in each child for the rest of the day.


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