International school in Noida and greater Noida | Top ,Best school in noida

You are just about to feel good in your life, after long sleepless nights and spending every minute thinking of your child, watching him grow and handling random tantrums these little creatures show.... But Hey! there is no time to relax. Your child has turned two and somewhere during month of July or August UP's Nursery school Admissionsin in noida start and so is the real struggle for you. The process is no easy to crack, something like CAT examinations. These days we parents have become so much concerned and it is our prime responsibility to have the Best kindergarten school in noida extension for our child.
 We are first time parents, totally exhausted by usual sleepless nights, and juggling between our jobs and our aim to give undivided attention to our child for whatever time we get to spend with her. We stay in East Delhi and lucky enough to have a chance for looking a school in both UP and Delhi. During our journey Cbse affiliated school in Greater noida, there were a few factors that I think we all parent should keep in mind while selecting International school in Greater Noida and Noida schools.
  1. Admission Age: At this tender age, even a month makes a difference. Kids make so much progress every day that if we compare kids of 2.3 age with 2.5 child, they show remarkable difference to which we parents react, my child never speaks up. Or is just not ready to enter the interaction room and kids. child grow at their pace, you cannot diffine them for anything. Though it is important for you to get admission in Top ranking school in Greater Noida but the age do play a role. Now considering the teachers who are involved in this process for a very long time now. They understand not each child is same. Hence are their expectations also, and trust me, each school would want to have a mix of students, because we never know How will perform at growing age when this difference would not matter. So be patient, this is not in our hands and just have faith in your child on whatever he is able to Try to perform and Give our best .
  2. PlaySchool: The concept of playschools play a huge role in building up social skills in your child. Some childs are not happy in went to school, and some adapt well. If they have a little exposure of school and are comfortable in interacting with teachers or kids group, its a plus. Similarly are the park visits each day. Ensure you take your child to park for play. They learn and grow lot better in Top cbse school in Greater Noida By sks world school.
  3. Never bribe your kids or give them a pressure that we are going for an interview. Do this and do that etc. I never told my child about interview. Just said you are growing up, we will take you to Popular school in Greater noida. I had let my child to be her own and had no expectations set. It helped her to ease with teachers as if they were her playschool teachers.
  4. Study about school:As parents it is very important you study about school you want to apply. Schools are very happy to hear good words about them and each school has a USP, like some has focus on sports, Daily day to extra circular adctivities etc. Better we are aware of it during interaction with in friend Zone
  5. Learn some good parenting tips and try to follow them: I am usually in habbit  To improve my knowledge about child behavior and parenting tips. When I started filling up the school forms I could see maximum schools asked about how you handle your child or how you encourage them. All those tips and following them helped me in filling up forms way well.

  1. Take your child for a holiday somewhere in May or June:Kids was very introvert. Unknowingly we went for a vacation with friends and during that week she interacted with many people. That trip was a blessing for us. We could notice immediately after the trip child was very open in still takes time to open up, but is not hesitant. Personally I feel as parents we must try this if possible. International school in Noida to give your child growth fast by sks World School
  2. Working parents: Be prepared  well on how you spend time with your kid. Schools are looking for some good ways you suggest on spending time with your child. Small points like you have meals together or weekends together help in gaining points To improve your  child growth In Best kindergarten school in Noida.
 All above points are solely based on my experience with school interaction. SKS World School Noida,Greater Noida,Ghaziabad


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