Get the Best Schools Facility in Gaur City

From the ongoing session we have taken an initiative to inculcate in our students the more ethical values and pay more attention towards their all inclusive growth than we did earlier. It’s better to always run towards more improvement so we try to improve more and more. As we at one of the top school near Noida Extension feel that we are our best competitor. Hence we are listing below some of the important measures adopted by us to bring more improvement in us.
Balanced time on Yoga/ Exercise
Yoga is an ancient practice that has found its roots in India. Yoga maintains proper blood circulation in our body which is required more in the season of winter. It has been recommended as a discipline to focus and connect body. Hence we at SKS Provides Best Schools Facility in Gaur City and have started a new session for yoga classes for all the students to keep them healthy throughout the season. The main motive behind more focus on Yoga is the safety of children. We encourage children to practice yoga to get unlimited health benefits.

Peer Group
While it is the personal choice of all the students that in what type of peer group they spend time but we make sure to adhere to the strict rules during the school hours so as to maintain the integrity and discipline of the school. Acknowledging the fact that a rotten apple spoils the bunch we try to inculcate in our students high sense of ethical values and social and cultural values so that they do not indulge in bad activities. At home parents are advised to keep an eye on all the activities by their child and to strictly bind by some disciplinary rules.
Avoid abusive language
We strictly advice all the parents to not to use abusive language under any circumstances as children learn what they listen and see. Use of any type of abusive language is strictly no within the school premises. We are one of the top school near Noida Extension and we believe that we need to set examples for our future generations to help them grow and learn well.


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