Winter greetings from Top school near greater noida west

Well it’s the month of November and the blankets are out. Home remedies from grandmother are on the peak. However the winter brings the months of joy and fun for the students of SKS one of the Top school near greater noida west. On an annual basis we organize annual sports day and annual function for all the classes in the month of November & December. We at SKS believe that celebration is an expression of happiness.

One of the best international schools in Greater Noida West celebrates the annual function with grandeur. All the students are advised to participate in the celebration and get an opportunity to bring out their hidden talent. The hard work of the students makes the annual day celebrations a memorable one. Sports day is celebrated separately within the school premises to inculcate the spirit of team work & sportsmanship.
The main purpose behind celebrating the annual sports function in the month of November, December is to make students active and keep them healthy and fit throughout the year. Sports play a vital role in developing children physically as well as mentally.
We are one of the top schools in Crossings Republik assuring all inclusive growth of students for all the concerned parents. We have seen the curiosity of students while they wait with bated breath for the annual function and thus we strive hard to make this function a memorable one for all the participants by formulating new creative ideas every year.


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