Preserving The Social And Moral Values At One Of The Top CBSE schools in Greater Noida

Well for youngsters, days from 7th to 14th February is going to be a week of love in lieu of which they share gifts, chocolates and roses etc.
SKS one of the best schools in Greater Noida is seriously not meant to interfere in anyone’s personal life neither we are against Valentine Day. We have only tried to share our thoughts regarding these days and at the same time need of preserving social values for which our nation is popular for. The young learners of today are the future of tomorrow. We are one of the top providers of best school facilities in Ghaziabad and hence there are certain rules and regulations in our school which imbibes the sense of moral values in students.

  • The day at one of the Top CBSE schools in Greater Noida starts with the morning assembly to thanks the almighty for what thou have given us. Morning assembly at SKS World School is held in the vast ground surrounded by lush green environment after which the honourable principal and teachers share some motivational thoughts with students that would help them to stay motivated and focus on their studies.
  • Celebrating each and every occasion with full enthusiasm is a tradition at SKS one of the most popular schools in Greater Noida. The reason behind celebration is to imbibe strong sense of cultural values of our nation as well as to create awareness in them. We believe in bringing out the intellectual development of a child.
  • Use of mobile phones, smoking and use of vehicles like scooty, Motorcycle by student themselves to come to the school is strictly banned. Having technical knowledge is good but it must not cross the limit and beyond our cultural values.
  • SKS World School is one of the top schools in Crossing Republik and we are a co-ed school, where all types of discrimination related to caste, creed, and gender is strictly out of rules and regulations of the school. However wardens and teachers are instructed to keep a check on activities by both girls and boys and to make sure that any unfortunate activities do not take place within the school.


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