No Update On Cancelling the Board Exams | Best CBSE School in Noida Extension

 For the past few days, social media is full of news that CBSE is planning to cancel class 12th board exams amid the coronavirus situation in the country. Many students were seen participating in the online campaigns supporting #saveboardstudents and #cancel 12thboardexam. That’s not all. Students have also gathered signatures of more than one lakh students who are in support of canceling the board exam by filing the petition on Such rumors are going viral and many of our students are also worrying because of such news. Being the Best CBSE School in Noida Extensionwe have to keep students aware of the facts to give them peace of mind so that they can concentration on their preparations.


No Update On Cancelling the Board Exams

In today’s post, the top CBSE School in Greater Noida West will inform students about the recent decision taken by the CBSE in this respect. The board said on 15-May-2021 that no decision on canceling the class 12th board exams has been taken yet. With this statement, the board has denied all such scraps that were saying the board might cancel the exams due to the current coronavirus situation.

Being the top school in Greater Noida West , SKS World School advises students to stick back with their preparations, and visit the school’s website to get the latest information about the exam dates. Well, the board had earlier issued a notification postponing the board exams. Click on the link given below, if you wish to read about the same.

CBSE Cancelled Class 10th Board Exams | Top Ranking School in Noida Extension

SKS World School- the best school in Noida suggests students concentrate on their preparation until no further update will come from the board’s end. It’s time for an important update for the school admissions in Greater Noida. The school is accepting online registration for the new session admissions. Forms are available on the website of the Best CBSE School in Noida Extension.


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